Quantitative Techniques

It is applied course
in statistics that is designed to provide you with the concepts and methods of
statistical analysis for decision making under uncertainties. This course is a
combination of lectures and computer-based practice, joining theory firmly with
practice. It introduces techniques for summarizing and presenting data,
estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, modeling relationships
and some multivariate techniques. The lectures focuses more on understanding of
key concepts and statistical thinking, and less on formulas and calculations,
which can now be done on statistical software.
- Introduction to
Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making
- Descriptive Analysis
for Qualitative and Quantitative Data
- Descriptive Analysis
for Quantitative Data (Cont.)
- Testing of
Hypotheses One Sample Inference
- Testing of
Hypotheses, two samples Inference
- Testing of
Hypotheses, Paired samples Inference
- Testing of
Hypotheses, more than two samples inference
- Comparing Groups
Parametric and Non-Parametric Inference
- Correlation and
Regression Analysis
- Multiple Linear
- Logistic Regression
- Analysis of
Categorical Data
- Factor Analysis
- Discriminent
- David. S. Moore and George P. McCabe (2003), Basics of
Practice Statistics, Freeman Publishers.
- Landau, Sabine. (2004) “A handbook of statistical analyses
using SPSS”, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press LLC
- Vijay G. (2002), Statistical Analysis with Excel, VJ Books.
- Wayne L. Winston (2007), Data Analysis and Business
Modeling, Microsoft Press